Thursday, March 7, 2013

Gardens above 6000 feet

I still haven't gotten used to the weather here in Colorado. Today it's warm, sunny and it's going to be in the mid 60's today. By Saturday it's going to be below freezing and snowy. I was born and raised in California and then migrated up to Oregon where I lived for 18 years to where I enjoyed the four seasons that were evenly spaced out.  Once I got here to Colorado I had to put on my thinking cap and rethink gardening, outdoor activities and how to layer my clothes for the day. 

I have learned a lot about how to garden in this dry arid climate. I always tease my husband when he asks, "Where would you like to go today," and I say, "Hawaii!" He returns a look of sarcasm without saying a word and just smiles at me.  Since I love the sun and long to be somewhere where it's warm most days, I have learned to appreciate the sunny warm days that we have here in Colorado. Someday we will move back to Oregon where we will have the four seasons that we enjoy along with the mountains, valleys, high plains and the coast all in one state.

So I have learned a lot about xeriscaping and have designed our front yard into a high dessert botanical garden. Learning from the local extension, the yard has done well and draws many people to slow down and admire as they go down our street. It takes so little work, water and time once you get it established.  I love the brightness of the the blooms against the pink pea gravel. The wood chips that line the walkways make care easy as i just reapply each year to give it a fresh look. I installed a drip system to keep the plants watered on minimal water and adjust according to the hot months. I hope you enjoy a walk through my front yard as many have in the past.  

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